Route 55 may be extended

Next Wednesday the Milwaukee County Board’s Transit Committee will be considering a proposal to extend Route 55 Layton Avenue.

Route 55 currently runs between Warnimont Park (Lake Drive) to Southridge (76th St). If extended, Route 55 will run west to the Hales Corners Park & Ride Lot near 108th/Layton and connect with Routes 28, 43 and 44U while still serving Southridge. MAP

In addition to these new connections, Route 55 would also serve a 32-block section of Layton Avenue that currently has no bus service but is home to several businesses, a Social Security Administration office and Layton Terrace.

This could be a significant development for transit riders on the southwest side and fill a large gap in the Milwaukee County Transit System’s service area. There is currently no east-west connection on Routes 28 and 44U south of Oklahoma Avenue.

If the proposed route extension is passed, it could be implemented for the Summer 2014 pick (schedule Effective Date June 8, 2014).

The county board transit committee can be encouraged to pass this route expansion by contacting them at