Analysis of the Transportation Commission Report

On January 23 the Transportation Finance & Policy Commission released it’s final recommendations. This is the commission that Governor Walker created as part of the 2011-2013 Budget.

The Commission made several recommendations that are key to strengthening bus service.

  • Restoring the 10% cut to transit aid that was part of the 2011-2013 State Budget. (Page 77)
  • Restore an additional $9.5 million to bring transit aid back to historic levels. As recently as 2002 the State contributed 50% of the Milwaukee County Transit System’s budget. (Page 77)
  • A state transit capital program of $15 million annually. (Page 79)
  • Keeping transit in the transportation fund. (Page 80)
  • Authorizing Regional Transportation Authorities (RTAs). These RTAs would have elected boards, taxing authority of up to a half-cent sales tax of which 75% would go to buses and 25% to roads. (Page 83)

What’s next?
It is now up to the State legislature and the Governor to act on these recommendations. Governor Walker will be giving his budget address in February, when he’ll release his recommended budget for the next two years. Now is the time for bus riders to be heard. You can contact the governor by email ( or by mail at

Office of Governor Scott Walker
115 East Capitol
Madison, WI 53702

Sample Letter