Analysis of the Transportation Commission Report

On January 23 the Transportation Finance & Policy Commission released it’s final recommendations. This is the commission that Governor Walker created as part of the 2011-2013 Budget.

The Commission made several recommendations that are key to strengthening bus service.

  • Restoring the 10% cut to transit aid that was part of the 2011-2013 State Budget. (Page 77)
  • Restore an additional $9.5 million to bring transit aid back to historic levels. As recently as 2002 the State contributed 50% of the Milwaukee County Transit System’s budget. (Page 77)
  • A state transit capital program of $15 million annually. (Page 79)
  • Keeping transit in the transportation fund. (Page 80)
  • Authorizing Regional Transportation Authorities (RTAs). These RTAs would have elected boards, taxing authority of up to a half-cent sales tax of which 75% would go to buses and 25% to roads. (Page 83)

What’s next?
It is now up to the State legislature and the Governor to act on these recommendations. Governor Walker will be giving his budget address in February, when he’ll release his recommended budget for the next two years. Now is the time for bus riders to be heard. You can contact the governor by email ( or by mail at

Office of Governor Scott Walker
115 East Capitol
Madison, WI 53702

Sample Letter

Walker’s budget guts transit

Governor Scott Walker released his 2011-2013 State Budget yesterday. This budget reduces State funding for transit systems by 10% for each transit system. For the Milwaukee County Transit System, this is $7 million dollars. In addition to cuting transit funding, Walker is removing it from the State’s transportation fund, which is funded by gas taxes, to the State’s General Purpose fund – meaning that transit funding at the State level will be just as unstable as it is in Milwaukee County. This comes at the same time that millions of extra dollars are being put into the Transportation fund to speed up unnecessary highway expansion projects.

State funds account for 42% of the Milwaukee County Transit System’s operating budget. At a time when MCTS has been stretched to the brink due to a lack of dedicated funding source, this will result in devastating service cuts. “Service cuts and fare increases are always our last resort,” stated Anita Gulotta-Connelly, MCTS Managing Director, “but with the reduction in State funding and rapidly escalating fuel prices, difficult decisions will be necessary.”

“This $7 million cut in State operating assistance, if approved, could force the County to raise bus fares and eliminate all Freeway Flyers (including service to Summerfest and State Fair), late night and early morning service, and numerous route segments. A reduction in paratransit services would remove transit access for individuals with disabilities in Milwaukee County’s southern suburbs and north shore communities,” Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway said. “We’ve been asking for dedicated funding for years. After serving as County Executive for more than eight years, Governor Walker is well aware of this need. But, instead of protecting mass transit in the transportation fund, he is removing it. Mass transit is a form of transportation, so why can’t it be protected, too?”

These cuts will have a tremendous effect on people in Milwaukee County, whether they ride the bus or not. As with other cuts, there will be a negative effect on the local economy.  “We’re losing our ability to connect workers with jobs,” Chairman Holloway added. “If the business community still supports transit, then it’s time for our business leaders to meet with the Governor and Legislative leaders to inform them of the important role transit plays in the transportation and economic infrastructure of this region.”

Whether you are a business leader or not, you should contact your legislator and/or Governor Walker and tell them to sustain transit funding and keep it in the transportation fund.

You can find your State Senator’s contact information at

You can find your State Representative’s contact information at:

You can find Governor Walker’s contact information at:

New study shows most expressway expansion in area is unnecessary

According to an article from today’s Journal-Sentinel, recent findings from the Texas Transportation Institute show Milwaukee as the 44th most traffic-congested city out of the top 50 largest American cities.

What does this mean?
It means the constant calls for expanded freeways are wasteful. Milwaukee’s freeways are some of the least congested in the nation. Aside from approximately 3 to 6 hours each weekday, Milwaukee’s freeways have no congestion whatsoever. At times, some are virtually empty.

At the same time as having some of the fastest freeways for suburban residents, Milwaukee has among the lowest level of transit service for it’s city dwellers. Unlike freeways, buses suffer from chronic overcrowding throughout the day. Billions of dollars have been pumped into expanding Milwaukee’s already sufficient freeways over the past decade, but the Milwaukee County Transit System has been consistently cut at the same time.

Other than being blatantly unfair, this drastic imbalance of funding priorities is bad policy. Milwaukee is the nation’s fourth poorest city. Milwaukee’s poverty rate has soared while transit has been slashed.

Where can we go from here?
We need to make sure that our tax dollars are being spent where they are needed, on transit. These decisions are made on the state level, and we will need to keep a close eye on the state legislature to make sure that they look out for our best interest instead of lobbyists for the road builders. This blog will be focusing covering the state as well as Milwaukee County and we’ll keep everyone posted.